Monday, June 3, 2013

Solace in Abandonment

I would like to share with you a short poem I wrote on 09/17/2009. I was inspired after finding a pleasant field a few miles outside of the city in which I live. There were innumerable lightning bugs and frogs croaking in the dark. I loved that field at first sight. I still visit it on summer nights when I need inspiration. It's where I re-charge. It's where I find my strength when I am weak. It's the most special place I know to connect with nature. This poem of mine has remained one of my favorites over the years. I posted the original version to my Facebook three months after I first jotted it down on a napkin. What I'm sharing with you now is a revised version. Same meaning, same feeling, just a bit more streamlined. This version represents my writing style and how it has evolved over the last 4 years. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to let me know what you think. I love hearing feedback. With that I give you:

Solace in Abandonment
by Gayle Johnson 09/17/2009 (06/03/2013)

Gentle, living embers dim as they sink from the night sky, illuminating a field of wheat. Wind gusts gently through a young woman's hair. Her eyes shine like jewels, eager to witness what will follow. What will these fireflies aura display next? She cant help but to glory in the comforting warmth while poised directly in the middle of this seemingly magical farmland. She wishes not to retire back to the city, but to revel in this satisfying peace indefinitely. She is home.


  1. I saw a field of millions of fireflies for miles once and it was soooo surreal.

    1. That's amazing! I wish more people could experience things of that nature. So many people don't get the opportunity to live a live of wonder. I'm glad you got to witness it. :)
